Ghirardelli Dipped Pretzel Rods Recipe and Holiday Board Inspiration

Ghirardelli Dipped Pretzel Rods Recipe and Holiday Board Inspiration #dessertboard #recipe

This post is sponsored by Ghirardelli, all opinions are my own.  One of my favorite ways to add a festive touch to the holidays is to serve a stylized dessert board! These Ghirardelli Dipped Pretzel Rods make the perfect centerpiece – and they’re easy to make too! Hooray! What makes this recipe so easy andRead more

Valentine’s Day Home Decor Tour

Valentine's Day Mantel

I’ve always struggled to figure out how to decorate after Christmas to make it feel cozy and not so empty. This year I filled the house with love by decorating for Valentine’s Day! Here’s a little Valentine’s Day Home Decor Tour. Enjoy! Valentine’s Day Home Decor Sources I hop you enjoyed that little Valentine’s DayRead more